Do you suffer from Depression, Anxiety, OCD, ADD/ADHD, or other mental illness?
New FDA Cleared Treatment by Iowa Wellness Center Now Accepting New Patients!
Our Brain Balancing program offers answers and alternatives that go far beyond prescriptions for antidepressants.
- BETTER Brain Function
- NATURAL Alternative To Medications
- OPTIMIZE Result With Lifestyle Changes
- REDUCE Brain Inflammation
The first step we take for patients in our Brain Balancing Program is to identify the reasons that the brain is not functioning optimally.
This can include:
Comprehensive blood panel of key wellness markers
Functional brain examinations
Brain nutritional assessments
Computerized brain and inflammation screening
Genetic testing
Digestive function tests
EEG with digital analysis
Other in-depth tests
How do we help patients?
We are a team that work with patients that have neurological conditions. Together we provide the best care possible with our multispecialty providers. Our medical staff provides the best possible care to patients suffering from neurological conditions or brain-based disorders. All of our Brain Balancing patients have a unique care plan. No two people are the same, why should your treatment be?
Neurofeedback does not target any specific conditions. Instead it realigns brainwaves, which changes timing and activation patterns in the brain. The result is better brain function, which can improve or eliminate symptoms.
We are proud to offer multiple types of treatments such as Neurofeedback and Neurosage. You may learn more about these treatments down below.
Improves Attention, Focus, Balance and Coordination
In Iowa With Neurosage
Iowa’s premier Brain Performance Center is now proud to introduce a new noninvasive computer software program that is designed to improve balance, coordination, focus in addition to balance and coordination.
Neurosage is emerging digital technology that utilizes video games to actively target specific areas of the brain. Using specific frequencies of light and sound, this program is showing to have a targeted effect on functions like balance, coordination and cognition effects on brain function..
Neurosage is a non-invasive therapy that has a wide variety of clinical applications in regards to managing these symptoms including, but not limited to:
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Poor Balance
Scientifically Proven Safe + Effective
Neurofeedback has over 50 years of positive case studies and scientific publications and is currently used by thousands of licensed health professionals around the world. It could be the most important new tool for mental and neurological health available today.
Neurosage Therapy has over 15 years of study and application in a clinical practice. The NeuroLife Institute of Life University concluded its extensive research on Neurosage and found that it is safe to use and furthermore, was proven effective in increasing brain function, such as cognitive and balance parameters in the individuals studied.
Results Inspired
Neurosage delivers a targeted amount of sensory stimulation via the eyes and ears to reduce discomfort, improve balance, coordination, endurance, focus, and cognition. Routine sessions with Neurosage have helped our users return to a happier and healthier life. With thousands of success stories with unprecedented record of results. The Neurosage Platform is in a class all its own.
Truly Non-Invasive
Neurosage is non-invasive and non-pharmacological therapy platform. Stimulation is delivered through visual and auditory elements providing a safe and effective approach to therapy. While optimal to be fully immersed in both the visual and auditoy elements, the brain and body will still receive very effective stimulation if only 1 element is used. This provides users the opportunity to benefit in any environment.
You deserve to understand all your treatment options so you can make the best decision regarding your health. Request an appointment below.
Training Your Brain with Neurofeedback
How to Normalize & Balance Brain Function Naturally Your brain is wonderfully complex. In fact, every part of you is affected by your brain. You could therefore say it is the most important organ in your body. What happens when your brain isn’t functioning normally?
Brain Disorders and Degeneration Are on the Rise
Brain Disorders affecting young and old alike. Modern diets, lifestyle, stress, environmental toxins and trauma can all contribute to brain degeneration, resulting in unhealthy patterns of brainwave activity.
Your brain consists of millions of nerve cells, which communicate with each other and send messages out to the rest of your body. This communication is measured as an electrical process (much like turning on a light switch which results in electrical “communication” causing the light bulb to illuminate). The brain’s electrical communication is measured in frequencies, or brainwaves.
Our brainwave activity affects how our brain performs, how we feel, how our bodies respond to stress and outside stimuli, even how our immune system responds to illness. If our brainwave patterns are unhealthy, it can result in a number of health challenges:
- Autism
- Bipolar Disorder
- Memory Loss
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Anxiety/Depression
- Sleep Disorders
- Poor Concentration/Lack of Focus
- Fibromyalgia
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sleep Disorders
- Fatigue
- Ringing in Ears
- Lack of Balance/Coordination
- Migraines
Schedule a Brain Therapy Consultation
Often patients suffering from major depression obtain no relief or inadequate relief from antidepressants.